utorak, ožujka 04, 2014

Koledž odgovara

Nakon što je blog Rorate caeli objavio odluku novog biskupa Fort Wortha kojom zabranjuje klasičnu sv. misu Koledžu sv. Ivana Fišera i Tome Mora, pojavile su se glasine da se tu zapravo radi o reakciji na neke nezakonitosti, odnosno dopuštenje svećeniku bez urednog kanonskog statusa da služi misu i navodna kritika II. vatikanskog koncila. Dotična je ustanova danas ponudila svoje odgovore koje sam nastojao sažeti (na izvorne tekstove upućuju poveznice).

Objavili su popis svećenika koji su bili kapelani ili su povremeno pomagali u dušobrižništvu. Vidljivo je da se radi o svećenicima koji su u najvećem broju pripadali Petrovu bratstvu, zatim Redu sv. Benedikta, Trećem samostanskom redu sv. Franje, Kongregaciji otaca milosrđa i Kongregaciji franjevaca od obnove. Svi su kapelani za tu službu imali odobrenje mjesnog biskupa (odnosno administratora te biskupije) i odobrenje svojih redovničkih poglavara. "Nijednu javnu misu... u kapeli Koledža nije održao svećenik bez uobičajenih ovlasti". Koledž je pazio da i svećenici na proputovanju koji su koristili kapelu imaju uređen kanonski status. Među te spadaju svećenici franjevaca Bezgrješne, Ustanove Krista Kralja i Velikog Svećenika te Petrova bratstva. (1)

Na internetskoj stranici Koledža nalazi se i popis gostujućih predavača i tema o kojima su govorili. Jedna je bila o stanju u Crkvi nakon promjena koje je donio II. vatikanski koncil, a ostale o mariologiji, znanosti, povijesti ili kulturi. Neke su bile kritične prema pojedinim točkama u teologijama H. U. von Balthasara, K. Rahnera i H. de Lubaca. Dakle, ništa ekstremno, osim što je do sada svima jasno da je prošlo vrijeme kad se uvažavala ozbiljna i konstruktivna kritika II. vatikanskog koncila. Među predavačima je bio o. Gruner, no on, iako nema zapreka, nije obavljao nikakvu svećeničku službu. (2)

Na Koledžu, dakle, ne izbjegavaju niti kontroverzne teme, ali se o svemu raspravlja na akademskoj razini. Budući da im studenti dolaze iz različitih okružja, od obitelji povezanih s Piovim ili Petrovim bratstvom do onih koje idu samo na novu misu, vodstvo ustanove ističe da se posebno čuvaju svakog omalovažavanja i sukobljavanjima s braćom u vjeri, držeći se, ipak, čvrsto svoje orijentacije vjernosti tradicionalnoj misi, nauku, molitvi i crkvenoj tradiciji. (3, 4)

Na koncu se opet pokazalo kako su mnogi u čijim je rukama vlast, jaki prema onima koji su u slabijoj poziciji, dok su vrlo slabi prema onima koji imaju medijsku potporu. S druge strane, vodstvo Koledža koje je prozvano zbog raskolničkih nagnuća, podložilo se ovom biskupovu hiru. Svete mise u kapeli Koledža ukinute su do daljnjega. (5)

Broj komentara: 9:

  1. Tradicionalna latinska misa je sablazan onima koji propadaju: papama, kardinalima, biskupima i svećenicima, koji ju mrze. Predznak je to osude.1+1=2
    Neka sad netko pokuša relativizirati moje riječi.


  2. Evo:

    Dr. Taylor Marshall

    Regarding Fisher More College and what you're reading in Rorate Caeli:

    Now that the Bishop of Fort Worth has weighed in (and is now being maligned), after much prayer, I feel that I should break the silence.

    First off, I love the students at Fisher More College (FMC). I love them so much. It was heartbreaking for me to leave FMC. Last summer (2013) was very difficult for me. I also love the Latin Mass and write about it often on my blog and talk about it publicly (my family belongs to a FSSP parish – Mater Dei parish in Irving, Texas).

    For the record, I resigned as Chancellor of the College at the beginning of June of 2013—only days after our seventh baby was born. I had no job prospects and no income. I did it for the sake of conscience. I felt it would be a danger to my soul to remain at Fisher More College.

    I resigned when moral, theological, and financial discrepancies came to light regarding the presidency of Michael King. I was an ex officio member of the Board so I knew what others did not. From May to early June of 2013, five of the eight College Board Members also resigned for two reasons:

    1) Mr. King refused to disassociate himself from the public statements of faculty member Dr. Dudley that claimed in his Year of Faith lecture that Catholic professors have the duty to teach young people that Vatican 2 is not a valid Council (he also endorsed other “resistance” positions regarding the Novus Ordo, John Paul II, etc.)

    2) Mr. King, after selling the original FMC campus to Texas Christian University for millions of dollars, had imprudently entered into a real estate deal that financially crippled Fisher More College.

    Much of the politicization around the “Latin Mass and FMC” is Mr. King’s careful attempt to distract attention away from his financial misdealing at FMC. The college is currently teetering on bankruptcy and this latest entanglement with the bishop will lead to a public statement: “Fisher More closed down because the new bishop of Fort Worth persecuted the Latin Mass!” when in reality the College is failing because Mr. King entered into a dubious real estate deal that washed out college’s endowment AND all the proceeds from the sale of the original campus.

    How did a College sell its extremely valuable campus to TCU for several millions dollars in 2012 only to announce at Christmas 2013 that it might be closing without an immediate fund raising campaign through Rorate Caeli?

    1. Rorate Caeli has just released their sensational “exclusive” report on how the new Bishop of Fort Worth is persecuting the traditional Latin Mass in the person of Michael King. They included the (private) letter of Bishop Olson to Michael King and offered their speculation.

      This controversy created by Rorate Caeli with the help of Michael King’s letter is not about the Latin Mass or Summorum Pontificum.*

      FMC hosted a public repudiation of Vatican 2 and the Ordinary Form of the Mass in April of 2013 that was so offensive that my wife and I walked out of it before it’s conclusion. That did not do much to heal the breach with the local diocese or presbyterate and it contributed to the priests of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP) discontinuing their support and presence at FMC. The current FMC website advertises that the FSSP provides a chaplain, but this is not true.

      At the same time, Michael King estranged himself from the diocese of Fort Worth by not allowing the Ordinary Form (as stipulated by the previous ordinary Bishop Vann of Fort Worth). He also contracted an irregular/suspended priest without faculties, and hired “trad resistance” faculty while there was no bishop in Fort Worth to check these developments. Mr. King was able to create a community in his image (he affectionately referred to himself the “father” of this community) during the episcopal inter-regnum of the diocese of Fort Worth.

      Clearly, a bishop's intervention was inevitable. The current controversy really has nothing to do with the Latin Mass per se. The Latin Mass is at the center because Michael King is politicizing the Latin Mass in his favor, knowing that “bishops vs the Latin Mass” is red meat for some traditionalist blogs.

      Bishop Olson says in the letter that he is doing this for Michael King's "soul." The bishop understands that this is a personal intervention – and not an attack on Fisher More College or its students or the Latin Mass.

      It's a serious pastoral problem. Mr. King no doubt leaked Bp Olson’s letter via one of his few supporters to build sympathy before the inevitable financial collapse that will expose his mishandling of Fisher More College. Mr. King, more than anything, would like to blame the inevitable collapse of FMC (within only weeks or months) on the bishop’s “persecution of the Latin Mass.”

      Hold your peace. Watch for how it unfolds, and most of all pray for the students that are still dutifully studying and praying. There are some GREAT students at Fisher More College.

      As one who loves and prays the Latin Mass, please don’t curse or blame Bishop Olson for this one. He is a new bishop who inherited a TOUGH pastoral problem. Pray for him. And if you love the Latin Mass, don’t be so quick to judge the bishops or cite canon law. Sometimes there are things behind the scenes that you don’t know.

      1 Cor 13:1-2 If I speak with the tongues of men, and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

      *Regarding Summorum Pontificum in this situation. It doesn’t apply here since the college chapel does not have a priest requesting to say the Latin Mass and the chapel therefore falls under the direct pastoral control of the bishop. It’s the case of a layman (Michael King) asking for it. Those accusing Bishop Olson of breaking canon law or despising Summorum Pontificum should be more careful. Moreover, be assured that Bishop Olson supports the FSSP in his diocese and has nothing against the Extraordinary Form.

    2. Naravno, dok god je netko tiho i ne ugrožava modernističku revoluciju koja se provodi u Crkvi, sve u redu, pustit ćemo ga da ima 'izvanredni oblik rimskog obreda', čisto da bismo pokušali pokazati da smo tolerantni. Međutim čim se usudi dirnuti u najveće tekovine te revolucije - Drugi vatikanski i Novu misu, nema milosti: smrt fašizmu - sloboda narodu!

  3. Eto, izreče Taylor Marshall svoj sud ex cathedra. na nama je da mašemo zastavicama i vičemo: živio drug Taylor, ljubičica bijela.
    Splendor je dao link s popisom predavača u 2013. Zanimljivo, u ožujku 2013. (Petrova stolica je najprije prazna, potom na nju dolazi Franjo). Marshall drži nekakvo predavanje u kojem citira jednog od korifeja Nouvelle theologie. Međutim, mjesec dana kasnije pojavljuje se John Dudley i drži predavanje. Prema tvrdnjama koledža riječ je o OVOME.
    Iz predavanja ću izdvojiti najkontroverzniji dio: I would argue that it is an dangerous standpoint for Catholics to say that they
    accept the II Vatican Council with the exception of those passages that contradict traditional
    Catholic teaching. There are so many passages that contradict traditional teaching that I would argue
    that it is of the greatest importance to entirely reject the II Vatican Council and to consider it
    comparable to the Second Council of Ephesus in 449AD which was rejected by the Council of
    Calcedon in 451. [Editor’s Note: The author later corrected this statement by acknowledging that the
    better analogy is to use the Second Council of Constantinople, which was a valid ecumenical council
    but was so deleterious to the life of the Church that it was eventually ignored and forgotten.]
    Catholics are in general ignorant of what the Second Vatican Council actually said. They need to
    know what the Council said and to know what is wrong with it and why it is incompatible with their
    Faith, and this is an important task of education.
    Osobno nikad ne bih usporedio II. vatikanski s nevaljanim "lopovskim efeškim", iako se valjani efeški (I. efeški, 431.) održavao paralelno s uličnim tučnjavama rulje (pritom je i pravovjerna strana imala svoju rulju i koristila se istim sredstvima kao i heretička). Usporedba s II. carigradskim po mome drži vodu.
    Papa se Benedikt XVI. bavio hermeneutikom kontinuiteta. Kardinal Kasper, papin omiljeni teološki autor, primjerice kaže, kako Oggi ci troviamo in una situazione simile a quella dell’ultimo Concilio. Anche allora esistevano, per esempio sulla questione dell’ecumenismo o della libertà di religione, encicliche e decisioni del Sant’Uffizio che sembravano precludere altre vie. II Concilio senza violare la tradizione dogmatica vincolante ha aperto delle porte. tj. danas se nalazimo u situaciji sličnoj onoj kod zadnjeg Koncila. I tada su postojale, primjerice, kod ekumenizma i vjerske slobode, enciklike i odluke Svetog Uficija za koje se činilo da sprječavaju druge putove. Koncil je, ne narušavajući obvezujuću dogmatski tradiciju, otvorio vrata. Tako uzoriti Kasper. Ne znam je li možda uzoriti završio kemiju, no meni sve to logički baš ne pije vodu. No utoliko gore po logiku. No, ako kardinal Kasper interpretira stvari kao kontinuitet koji to jest i nije, onda ne treba čuditi ako prof. Dudley kaže da kontinuiteta nema (a g. Marshall ima mogućnost misliti da kontinuiteta ima).
    Koledž je potom ugostio i Roberta Sungenisa. O tome koliko je g. Marshall ljubitelj Sungenisa odgovor daje Google.
    Kako je Marshall reagirao na događaje s Franjevcima bezgrešne? Vrlo partijski, s obzirom na novonastale promjene na čelu Partije. Drugarska (samo)kritika na djelu. Bit će nagrađena, u to uopće ne sumnjam.
    G. Marshallu se mora priznati da ima dara za poduzetništvo. A u diskusijama na blogu je nešto slično kao i Dave Armstrong. Vrlo otrovan prema svakom iole ozbiljnijem protivniku. Orijentiran uglavnom na monolog sa svojim obožavateljima.

    1. Svakako, Marshallovo svjedočanstvo je jako i daje drugu perspektivu.

    2. Da, daje jasnu perspektivu za ljubitelje njegovih monologa.
      Za druge daje perspektivnu o promjeni kursa, koja, čuda li, koincidira s promjenom na Petrovoj stolici.
      G. Marshall ima jasne i argumentirane savjete svojim obožavateljima u vezi svojih oponenata: ne čitajte njihove stranice i njihove radove jer su opasni za vas.

  4. Da lokalni crkveni autoritet podupire TLM, TLM ne bi bio ukinut u ovom slučaju. Uz malo dobre volje našlo bi se prikladno rješenje. Nije se našlo.

  5. Evo isto "jednog svjedočanstva koje je jako i daje drugu perspektivu" ...


    Mundabor je penicilin za ove neokatolike ... valjda ga neće biskup zabraniti :-)

